8 BONUS: It is time for women to step up, rise and lead! Our voices need to be heard and we need to support each other in creating change in the world!

HI, IT’S IMELDA AND IN THIS EPISODE I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU MY SUCCESS IN Launching the Podcast . THE PODCAST impacted my life instantly.  I TRULY AGREE THAT A podcast is not only about building online presence, but most importantly online credibility.  

  • I realized that my message impacted more people than I ever thought it could, I even have a friend in high school who commented on my post that I am her idol, this is coming from a lady whom I have never been communicating with for the past 30 years or so
  • My son appreciated my efforts to launch a podcast and touch people, and he told me that he cried with joy. That is something I never thought would happen.  I am able to connect with my family on a deeper level.
  • My husband showed me more support. I got him asking how he could share my podcast link.  That itself is a big win for me
  • One friend also mentioned that what I am doing is a big thing for my generation.  
  • And some  friends now showed interest in buying my book.

  • 10 objections: 

  • On the first day I attended the workshop, I actually told Genecia that I wanted to write a book.  So she offered that I can do a podcast instead, because it is faster to reach people and the voice is more powerful than a book, to which I agreed. And the episodes can be converted into a book.  So it is like hitting two birds with one stone.
  • Because I have been attending a lot of seminars, I then thought that I have to control my spending.  So it was a money issue. But when I realized that I can actually earn more the moment I have built my reputation online.  By showing up and having my voice heard, people will come to know who I am and what I stand for, and people will support me.  More people will come to my coffee shop, more people will patronize my book, more people would like to invest with me because they can see how authentic I am.
  • My concern was also that I had to extend my stay in Singapore and rebook my flight and what’s more frightening is to get my husband to approve all of these because these would entail additional expenses, right?  However, after I explained what the plan is, he agreed and I was very happy.  When he listened to my first few episodes, he was convinced we did the right thing.
  • I am not a podcast person, so I thought I could not do it.  But when Genecia explained to me that they will support and guide me, my worry disappeared.  Having the whole Soul Rich Woman team behind me melted my fears away.
  • Initially, I had difficulty writing and composing my message and I was not relaxed when I started recording. I was running out of air and my mouth was drying up, but because Joanne was there right beside me to cheer me up, I successfully did it.  And the next few episodes were a lot easier than the first.
  • Another issue I had was time, I had been away from Zamboanga for too long and there is a big event which I was preparing for.  But because I believed in the importance of doing the podcast and in the urgency of doing it now rather than later, I was able to make arrangements, so that things could be done even if I do not have to be in Zamboanga physically.
  • On top of all those issues, I had fears on the outcome of my podcast.  How will people react? will they be inspired, or will I be criticized? and all those mindfreaks that we normally face when doing something for the first time.  But because I sincerely believe that I need to get my message across to people who would need to listen to it, I took action inspite of fear.
  •  I was also feeling anxious about sharing my story and being truthful about what I feel deep inside, but realizing that this is me and people hearing my story deserve a “real deal” , I still went ahead with everything that is coming from my heart.  the Understanding that my intention is to share and inspire and not to criticize or destroy other people’s lives, gave me the courage to go out and do the podcast.
  • Recording the episodes also requires a lot of time and effort.  I got tired, I had to use up a lot of energy thinking of what to say and sitting on the table typing for hours. And there were a few things I had to set aside just to give priority to my podcast.  But I now see this to be a big lesson in life.  If you want something big and impactful, you have to allocate big energy and big focus, to make it happen and you have to set it as your number one priority.
  • having launch the podcast, i am also anxious about what will happen next? then by going back to understanding my intentions and my goal that this will be about doing something positive for me and for others, and by knowing that i have a strong team of soul rich woman to support me, my worries are tamed and controlled.  also, i got a message from a friend saying that i have to continue sharing my message as the world needs more people like me who would come out and share their messages as well.  so, having your family and friends to support you in what you are doing, and giving you the understanding of the journey you wish to embark on is already a great encouragement, not to mention that having the soul rich woman team is your rocket launcher!  knowing that you have people behind you who will look after your best interest and following up on you so that you don’t fall to you’re the little voices inside your head is a great support.  therefore i believe that no matter how good you think you are you need a team who can support and guide you, but most importantly people who know what they are doing.  the soul rich woman team makes you feel you are family and that they’ve got your back every step of the way.

Having launched my podcast in less than 24 hours, boosted my confidence to a higher level.  I feel that I just won over my fear of doing something new and being judged for my result.  I feel that I am also blessed to have crossed paths with Soul Rich Woman team who could help me make it possible. 
Launching the podcast made me happy that I was able to share my message so instantly to the public, without having to wait for my book to be complete.
I also believe that exposure is magic, now that I have exposed my story, I realized that people are actually appreciating what I did.  Had I continued to hide under my fears, I would not have touched people’s hearts, and most importantly my family’s hearts. 
I have also proven that it is never too late to learn something new, even if people have accepted the concept of digital divide, I must try to close the gap between me and my children’s generation.  It surely was a surprise to my sons that I am also into podcasting hahaha..I won’t be surprised if they were shocked because I myself felt that way.  But having launched it gave me a lot of relief and a truly good feeling that I won over my fears and I succeeded in my efforts to grow myself day by day.

When we raise our voices together, the words woman power become more than just a phrase, it becomes a movement!

Know that your dreams are valid and on your path you’re never denied, only directed

It’s time to get your voice heard.

do check out my link in the show notes on how you can become an Instant Podcast Leader like me

Inspire, Connect & Elevate at InstantPodcastLeader.com Soul Rich Woman